ADR Regulations

A driver must hold a certificate issued by the competent authority stating they have attended a training course and passed an exam on the standards required when carrying quantities of dangerous goods that come within the scope of the regulations.

The awarding body for ADR certification in the United Kingdom is the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority).

Once you have attended the course and passed the required tests, you will be issued with a photo identity card (often referred to as the ADR certificate or ADR licence).

The ADR training certificate is valid for five years. Your card must be carried and produced on demand to relevant authorities whenever driving within the scope of the regulations. The certification may be extended for an additional five years by attending the next ADR training course, between twelve months and six weeks prior to the expiry.

Where does the term ADR come from?

ADR is the abbreviation used for The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

Apart from some excessively dangerous goods, the agreement allows for most dangerous goods to be carried internationally in road vehicles subject to compliance with conditions associated with:

  • 1. The goods in question – in particular their packaging and labeling.
  • 2. The construction, equipment and operation of the vehicle carrying the goods in question.

Who needs ADR training?

Operators involved in the handling and transport of dangerous goods must make sure that ALL staff involved receive ‘appropriate’ training. This requirement will include staff such as loaders and unloaders, warehouse staff and drivers who might be exempt from the specialised drivers’ training due to the low quantity exemptions explained below.

This basic training will need to cover both awareness of legislation and safety aspects, particularly the hazards and dangers of substances, safe working procedures and the actions to be taken in an emergency.

Vocational training certificates are for either carriage in tanks or carriage in packages. They are specific to the classes of dangerous goods being carried. A certificate is valid for a maximum of 5 years. Drivers whose certificates are approaching expiry must undertake another course and pass the relevant examinations in order to be qualified to continue to carry dangerous goods.

All dangerous goods are placed in a category. All drivers are required to undertake ADR training and carry the appropriate certificate, once the minimum quantity limits noted below are exceeded.

CPC Credits

Drivers of goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes are now required to take 35 hours (5 days) of Periodic CPC training every five years, in order to keep their Driver Qualification Card valid.

Our ADR courses are accredited by the SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) for the purposes of the ADR certificate. They are also accredited for CPC training by JAUPT (the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training).

If you attend the 5-day ADR course, you have the option to upload 28 hours of CPC training to your record at the DVSA. If you wish to do this you must notify us prior to the course starting.

If you attend the 3.5-day ADR course you have the option to upload 21 hours of CPC training to your record at the DVSA. If you wish to do this you must notify us prior to the course starting.

If you attend the 1.5-day ADR tanks course you have the option to upload 7 hours of CPC training to your record at the DVSA. If you wish to do this you must notify us prior to the course starting.

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