Live training will take place online over video stream platform, Zoom. Courses run from 8am to 4pm. Registration opens at 7.30am.
The Operator Licence Awareness Training course (OLAT) provides a comprehensive overview of the Operator Licensing regime. It covers the procedures and systems required to ensure operators comply with their legal undertakings. The Operator Licence Awareness course is often attended upon the recommendation of the Traffic Commissioner and is a often a condition of obtaining or retaining an Operator Licence. Sometimes Operators attend prior to an interaction with the Traffic Commissioner in order to demonstrate their commitment to complying with the requirements of their Operator Licence. Other Operators see the course as the best method for ensuring that their Transport Manager and staff keep abreast of the requirements for running a compliant operation.
7 Hours CPC available to purchase.
Start: September 30, 2024 8:00am
End: September 30, 2024 4:00pm